Did you miss this week’s WealthPress Live Roundtable? Catch the replay video above…
And be sure to join us each Wednesday at 11 a.m. EDT for the WealthPress Live Roundtable, where our market and economics experts will discuss the biggest news affecting Wall Street price action — and how to trade it.
WealthPress Live Roundtable
In this week’s roundtable, we covered:
- Congress is now divided, which is usually good news for stocks… BUT the country is in a precarious position with high interest rates and a potential debt ceiling crisis in August.
- Where to focus your money if you’re more of a long-term investor, and why it’s a great time for day and swing traders.
- December’s Consumer Price Index inflation report comes out Thursday morning. This was a big market-moving data point for all of 2022. Should trader’s expect that to continue?
- What we’re trading in this new regime.
- And more!
Be sure and tune in every Wednesday at 11 a.m. EDT for the WealthPress Live Roundtable by following and bookmarking this link!
P.S. Don’t miss what could be your last chance to see the trade pattern Lance Ippolito uses over weekends that completely saved his 2022 trading year!
We all know how tough the markets have been for a lot of people…
But Lance thrived in 2022 by using a specific pattern that he’ll show you.
With these setups, Lance was able to reach a 75% accuracy rate EVERY LONG WEEKEND.
And even though he also uses this pattern on normal weekends, Lance especially loves long weekends for a specific reason…