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The Fed’s Tapering Decision Opened the Door for Multiple Free Trades

by | Dec 15, 2021 | Stocks

Unlike mainstream financial media, I can admit when I’m wrong. I’ll be honest, I don’t like being wrong… but I’m glad I was this time. 

As I predicted Monday, much of our week would depend on the Fed’s December 2021 tapering announcement that came Wednesday. 

It’s no secret that I think Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has no clue what’s going on, and I fully expected him to make a mistake when it came to the Fed’s December 2021 tapering announcement.

But he didn’t.

I was worried he would alter the playbook… 

The Fed announced it will cut it’s bond-buying to $60 billion starting in January 2022. That’s half the amount it was prior to the November tapering, and the reduction will only accelerate in 2022. 

As for interest rates, the Fed forecasts three in 2022. The market hadn’t priced in three hikes, but it was close…

Trades for the Fed’s December 2021 Tapering Announcement

In Tuesday’s watchlist piece, I mentioned we may have to shake things up depending on the Fed’s December 2021 tapering announcement… and how it will affect interest rates.

But instead of forcing us to stir up the watchlist, Powell honed in on the labor market. We could tell because he had absolutely no clue how to answer the question he received about “max employment.”

So that tells me they’re nowhere near hiking interest rates soon…

So all of those stocks we took off our watchlist in preparation for a huge mistake can go right back on as the “Santa rally” is off to the races.

And for my readers at Fortune Research, it means we’re giving out multiple FREE TRADES this week in the wake of the Fed’s December 2021 tapering announcement.

Our most recent additions target retail stocks RH Inc. (NYSE: RH) and PVH Corp. (NYSE: PVH), and both buys here. And the only crypto stock I’ve been targeting — Coinbase Global Inc. (Nasdaq: COIN) — goes from a short leash to free trade status.

I expect all of these to rip through the first quarter…

So buy ’em on red, and we’ll sell on green down the road.

All the best, folks,

Matt Warder

Fortune Research

P.S. In 2021 alone, New Money Crew’s Lance Ippolito has nailed 50 overnight winners, including some massive triple-digit profits like 925% on SNAP, 254% on FSLY, 109% on LCID and 105% on PEP — all overnight! 

And now Lance wants to show everyone the regulatory loopholes that have allowed traders to realize these incredible results…

Because as big as 2021 has been… he expects 2022 to be even bigger!

Considering what’s to come… it’s time to prepare for 2022’s market strategy NOW!

WRITTEN BY<br>Matt Warder

Matt Warder

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